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The deep learning technique was used to increase the performance of single image super-resolution (SISR). However, most existing CNN-based SISR approaches primarily focus on establishing deeper or larger networks to extract more significant high-level features. Usually, the pixel-level loss between the target high-resolution image and the estimated image is used, but the neighbor relations between pixels in the image are seldom used. On the other hand, according to observations, a pixel's neighbor relationship contains rich information about the spatial structure, local context, and structural knowledge. Based on this fact, in this paper, we utilize pixel's neighbor relationships in a different perspective, and we propose the differences of neighboring pixels to regularize the CNN by constructing a graph from the estimated image and the ground-truth image. The proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the benchmark datasets. Keywords: Super-resolution, Convolutional Neural Networks, Deep Learning
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Telework "avatar work," in which people with disabilities can engage in physical work such as customer service, is being implemented in society. In order to enable avatar work in a variety of occupations, we propose a mobile sales system using a mobile frozen drink machine and an avatar robot "OriHime", focusing on mobile customer service like peddling. The effect of the peddling by the system on the customers are examined based on the results of video annotation.
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We propose GANStrument, a generative adversarial model for instrument sound synthesis. Given a one-shot sound as input, it is able to generate pitched instrument sounds that reflect the timbre of the input within an interactive time. By exploiting instance conditioning, GANStrument achieves better fidelity and diversity of synthesized sounds and generalization ability to various inputs. In addition, we introduce an adversarial training scheme for a pitch-invariant feature extractor that significantly improves the pitch accuracy and timbre consistency. Experimental results show that GANStrument outperforms strong baselines that do not use instance conditioning in terms of generation quality and input editability. Qualitative examples are available online.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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下一代物理科学涉及机器人科学家 - 自主物理科学系统,能够在封闭环中实验设计,执行和分析。这样的系统已显示出对科学探索和发现的现实成功,包括首次发现一流的材料。为了构建和使用这些系统,下一代劳动力需要在不同领域的专业知识,包括ML,控制系统,测量科学,材料合成,决策理论等。但是,教育滞后。教育工作者需要一个低成本,易于使用的平台来教授所需的技能。行业还可以使用这样的平台来开发和评估自主物理科学方法论。我们介绍了科学教育的下一代,这是建立低成本自治科学家的套件。该套件在马里兰州大学的两门课程中用于教授本科和研究生自治物理科学。我们以自主模型探索,优化和确定的双重任务来讨论其在课程中的用途及其更大的能力,并以自主实验的“发现”为例。
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对于新参与者 - 执行摘要:(1)任务是为语音数据开发语音匿名系统,该系统隐藏了说话者的语音身份,同时保护语言内容,副语言属性,清晰度和自然性。 (2)除3种不同的基线匿名系统,评估脚本和指标外,还提供了培训,开发和评估数据集。参与者应用其开发的匿名系统,运行评估脚本并向组织者提交客观评估结果和匿名语音数据。 (3)结果将在与Interspeech 2022结合的研讨会上展示,邀请所有参与者介绍其挑战系统并提交其他研讨会论文。对于熟悉语音挑战的读者 - 更改W.R.T. 2020年:(1)以自动扬声器验证(ASV)系统的形式进行了更强的半信息攻击模型,该系统接受了匿名(每位)语音数据的训练。 (2)互补指标包括等于误差率(EER)作为隐私指标,单词错误率(WER)作为主要实用性度量,以及音调相关性和声音独特性作为辅助效用度量标准。 (3)基于一组最小目标隐私要求的新排名策略。
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罕见的事件搜索使我们能够通过利用专门的大型探测器来搜索无法与其他方式无法访问的新物理学。机器学习提供了一种新工具来最大化这些检测器提供的信息。信息很少,这迫使这些算法从最低级别的数据开始,并利用检测器中的所有对称性来产生结果。在这项工作中,我们提出了Kamnet,该Kamnet在几何深度学习和时空数据分析中实现了突破,以最大程度地提高Kamland-Zen的物理范围,Kamland-Zen是kiloton量表球形液体闪烁体检测器,以寻找中微子的中微子双β衰减($ 0 \ beta \ beta \ beta \ beta $) 。使用Kamland的简化背景模型,我们表明Kamnet在基准MC模拟上以较高的鲁棒性水平优于常规CNN。然后,我们使用模拟数据,证明了Kamnet将Kamland-Zen的敏感性提高到$ 0 \ nu \ beta \ beta \ beta $和$ 0 \ nu \ beta \ beta \ beta $的能力。这项工作的一个关键组成部分是增加了注意机制来阐明基础物理Kamnet用于背景排斥。
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